Tag: ob

Diastasis Recti

Many patients ask about diastasis recti either during or after their pregnancy. This is a condition where the abdominal wall muscles separate during or after pregnancy. Let’s take a quick look at what it is, why it happens and answer the ever important prevention/treatment questions.

Written by on February 22, 2021

Covid Vaccine While Breastfeeding

Approximately 75% of healthcare workers are women, and the CDC estimates that over 300,000 healthcare workers are pregnant, will be pregnant, or will have recently given birth as the Covid-19 vaccine becomes more widely available to them. Thus, this first round of vaccinations will include many lactating or soon-to-be lactating women. Later, it will be other higher exposure-risk jobs like teachers and other essential workers. Questions are pouring in from our pregnant and recently delivered moms about the safety of these new vaccines while breastfeeding.

Written by on December 21, 2020

Covid Vaccine in Pregnancy

Since this pandemic began about a year ago, we have continued to advise pregnant patients (and all patients actually) to wear masks, wash hands, social distance, avoid large gatherings etc. We have had strict policies in our office and very limited access to our office from patients’ loved ones. Now, as I write this blog, the first Americans started receiving Covid-19 vaccines. Currently employees in the healthcare setting are being vaccinated around the country (and world) against Covid-19. Questions are pouring in from our pregnant patients asking our opinion if they should get the vaccine or not.

Written by on December 21, 2020

Exercise in Pregnancy: Bring Out Your Inner Serena

Previously written and published by Dr. Kalinowski Some of you have read my older blogs detailing my love of beer, and it continues to grow!   In an attempt to keep my beer belly from expanding with my growing love of hops, I’ve been making an effort to be more active this summer.  Part of that […]

Written by on March 26, 2020