Tag: labor and delivery

Labor Precautions: When To Call

You are finally at term and the seconds, minutes and days seem to slow to a crawl. Your mother-in-law is texting you non-stop wanting to know when the grand-kiddo is coming. It’s hard to work or do your day-to-day activities because the baby is pushing on your pelvic floor so much you have this sense […]

Written by on March 29, 2023

Birth Plans: One Doctor’s Point of View

Originally written and published by Dr. Bernstien in 2015 Most of our patients have some sort of birth plan.  Some are super simple and others are ten pages long.  Some patients don’t even write it down.  They just tell me “Dr. B, we just want a healthy mom and a healthy baby.”  Most patients who […]

Written by on December 26, 2022