Tag: cervical

Induction of Labor

There are many reasons why induction of labor might be needed or wanted at the end of pregnancy. Common medical reasons for induction include diabetes, high blood pressure and twin pregnancies. There are also many other medical conditions for which advancing pregnancy becomes risky for mom and baby. For any given condition, when the risks of ongoing pregnancy outweigh the benefits of it for baby, delivery is generally recommended.

Written by on November 16, 2022

Update on Pap Smear Guidelines

We at Kamm McKenzie are updating our Pap smear guidelines to follow the most recent recommendations.  In the past, many women have been advised to have annual Pap smears or Pap smears every 3 years.  The most recently updated guidelines as of April 2021 have changed to increase the duration between screenings due to our evolving knowledge of how cervical cancer develops.  We have learned it takes many many years to go from an abnormal Pap to cervical cancer, thus allowing us to space out the time between screenings.  

Written by on August 16, 2022