Tag: birth

Pain Management in Labor

We are all well aware that labor and delivery cause pain. Despite this expectation, it’s hard to know what it will feel like and what you may need to cope until you are in the thick of it. Because of this, it’s helpful to think about what pain management techniques, both non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic, are available to you before you are actually in labor. 

Written by on June 26, 2023

So Your Baby is Breech

About 25% of babies will be breech at 28 weeks, but by term (37 weeks plus) only 3-4% of babies are. Your provider will assess fetal position throughout the third trimester with Leopold Maneuvers (gently feeling head, back and extremities with our hands on your belly). Generally by 34 weeks or so it is easy to tell if baby is head down or not, and if we can’t easily feel, we will perform an ultrasound in the 36th week. If breech presentation is confirmed at 36 weeks, we will discuss whether or not you want us to try to rotate your baby to a head down position. That is, if you want an external cephalic version!

Written by on April 7, 2023

Should You Start Taking Prenatal Vitamins Early?

Originally published in September 2012 The short answer is Yes! You should start taking prenatal vitamins early. When should you start taking prenatal vitamins? I recommend all women start taking prenatal vitamins well before they start trying to conceive. And certainly once they stop using contraception. You never know how long it will take to get pregnant. […]

Written by on May 6, 2021