Tag: pregnant

Weather and Your Pregnancy

As I sit here on call on Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023, writing this blog post, I am reflecting about the last 48 straight hours of rainfall as well as the crazy weather shifts going on at the Masters golf tournament this weekend.  I started thinking about weather and temperature changes and pregnancies and the passing comments the doctors make to each other like “Good luck, big storm coming in tonight, be ready for some water to break.”  Does weather really affect pregnancy?  Does water break more often with pressure changes in the weather?  Do more women go into labor with storms?  Let’s take a closer look.

Written by on April 19, 2023

Postpartum Hair Loss

A very common concern for our postpartum patients is hair loss. I know for certain my wife was not happy seeing clumps of hair come out in the shower or while styling her hair.  Like most new moms, she immediately thought something must be wrong and that all her hormones needed to be checked. In actuality, postpartum hair loss is very common. And yes it is caused by hormones; however most of the time this is just a natural process.  Let’s take a deeper look.

Written by on April 13, 2023

Labor Precautions: When To Call

You are finally at term and the seconds, minutes and days seem to slow to a crawl. Your mother-in-law is texting you non-stop wanting to know when the grand-kiddo is coming. It’s hard to work or do your day-to-day activities because the baby is pushing on your pelvic floor so much you have this sense […]

Written by on March 29, 2023

Third Trimester Emergency? When to Call

Congratulations, you are in the final third of your pregnancy.  Hopefully, you passed your diabetes screen. If you did not, you are “enjoying” your new low-carb diet or possibly new medications. If this is your first kiddo you probably have a baby shower in the works. (I was amazed with how NICE everyone was with our […]

Written by on March 15, 2023

Second Trimester Emergency? When To Call

You made it! The second trimester is usually the best.  For most women, the nausea eventually subsides, your energy level returns (a little at least), and you are not yet so big as to inhibit most of your normal day to day activities. In addition, that first trimester miscarriage anxiety is decreasing a little because […]

Written by on February 28, 2023

First Trimester Emergency? When To Call

Early pregnancy is a particularly anxiety-provoking time in one’s life.  For one, your life changes with the positive pregnancy test. You start imagining life with this child. You mentally decorate the nursery and fill the closet with the cutest baby clothes.  You budget schools and weddings etc. All this just based on a urine pregnancy […]

Written by on February 16, 2023